The Luther Automotive Group

Burnsville VW’s ‘Barbie Beetle’ by Auto Performance Studio

Covered in pink vinyl wrapping outside, with dash and steering wheel accents, this 2012 VW Beetle prompts people to turn around and come back for photos, explains Trivia Phillips in sales with Burnsville VW.  The store, which once marketed whitewall tires, has two “Barbie Pink” Beetles.  “We’re out of those whitewalls. Now we’re in the pink,” said Garry Lee Erickson, used car and detail manager.

Covered in pink vinyl wrapping outside, with dash and steering wheel accents, this 2012 VW Beetle prompts people to turn around and come back for photos, explains Trivia Phillips in sales with Burnsville VW. The store, which once marketed whitewall tires, has two “Barbie Pink” Beetles. “We’re out of those whitewalls. Now we’re in the pink,” said Garry Lee Erickson, used car and detail manager.

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